
Eureka! Girls Inc. STEM workshop

I developed and led a summer workshop on climate change science, ethics, mitigation, and adaptation for middle schoolers, through the UMass Girls Inc. Eureka! program (2018, 2019)


Exploring the basics (sea level rise and land slope)

Exploring the basics (sea level rise and land slope)


Inundation of a 3D elevation model (the town of Holyoke) under various sea level rise scenarios

What happens when ice melts on land versus in water?

Classroom outreach

I ‘brought’ along a classroom of second- and third-graders to Antarctica aboard the JOIDES Resolution, on IODP Expedition 379 (2018-2019)


The students join me aboard the JOIDES Resolution, IODP expedition 379 to the Amundsen Sea

The students learn about core interpretation and sedimentology, and interpret paleoclimate events from a drill core

More community involvement


First episode of Lab Talk with Laura on WMUA Amherst, featuring guests Nigel Golden and Ruthie Halberstadt of the Northeast Climate Science Center, and guest co-host local comic Taylor Ortiz. We talk about arctic ground squirrels, grizzly bears, and how to pee in Antarctica.

Featured on Time Scavengers